Spiritual Direction
After years of receiving spiritual direction—sitting on my director’s couch and soaking in the tender care my soul had been thirsting for, I felt called to pass on the love and wisdom that I had received. I completed my spiritual direction certification and created True Place: my own spiritual direction practice.
As a spiritual director, I actively and compassionately listen to your sacred story and assist you in finding your true place...
as a beloved child of God.
What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual Direction is
● Intentionally sacred time set apart in a safe space
● Non-judgmental, compassionate and active listening
● Slowing down and resting in the deep love of God
● Designed to refresh and renew your spirit and fill your soul
● Unfolding the truth of who you are as a beloved child of God
Spiritual Direction is not
● Therapy—talk or otherwise (although if you are currently in talk therapy, Spiritual Direction is often a beautiful accompaniment)
● Evangelizing or pushing of any agenda
● WooWoo (Spiritual Direction is an ancient practice, not new age or hippie dippy)
Is Spiritual Direction for me?
If there is within you
● A stirring in your soul for deeper and closer intimacy with God.
● A desire to explore a growing relationship with God, OR
● A longing for a Spiritual Companion,
Then yes, Spiritual Direction is for you.
“It is so clear that she is called to be a spiritual director, loves what she is doing, cares deeply for me and prays regularly for me.”
“I cannot say enough good about this remarkable spiritual director... Zanny has my unending and unflinching support and recommendation.”
Spiritual Direction
Grief Support
Custom Creations